Bruce Rich



Bruce Rich, IBM Software Group, Senior Technical Staff Member and Master Inventor will serve on the IDtrust Steering Committee until August 2014.
IBM has been an enthusiastic supporter of many of the OASIS technical committees and sees the work in IDTrust TCs in particular as critical in moving the industry toward open standards for Identity and Trusted Infrastructures. I am running to celebrate what has been accomplished thus far and to support the Member Section’s vision of the future. I have been involved with OASIS since 2004, usually in early implementation and interop activities, and am all too well aware of the need for both a compelling vision and clarity of specification. I would welcome the opportunity to serve on the IDTrust Steering Committee.
Bruce has more than 30 years of computer industry experience in software design, development and architecture, the last dozen or so in security-related areas. As might expected in a career of such length, he has had the opportunity to contribute in a number of different areas, ranging from MVS (now System Z) paging supervisor to distributed file systems (AFS) to security components. Bruce is a contributing member of several OASIS TC's and currently works in the IBM Tivoli Security Products architecture group. Most recently, Bruce has been involved with the Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) TC, and prior to that was involved with the Higgins project at Eclipse (pre-Identity Metasystem Interoperability TC), so he has current experience with issues pertaining to Identity and Trusted Infrastructures, as well as broad background in the building blocks that make such technologies possible. Bruce was a key IBM participant in interop activities around WS-Secure eXchange (WS-Trust+WS-SecureConversation+WS-SecurityPolicy), Web Services Security (WSS) Kerberos Token Profile 1.1, WSS SAML Token Profile 1.1, WSS X509 Token Profile 1.1, among others. He was also involved with WS-Federation Passive Profile and WS-Reliable Messaging, as well as WS-Policy at W3C. His prototypes and early implementations of these technologies have driven the design of security components that are incorporated into a wide variety of IBM products (WebSphere, Tivoli, et al). He is an active inventor, with over 25 patents, most of which are security-related.


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